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RMAP Due Diligence Report – Bangalore Refinery

RMAP Due Diligence Report

1. Company Information

The Company is called Bangalore Refinery Pvt Ltd.

The company was established in 1977.

The company's CID number is CID002863. The company has 1 smelting facility located at Bangalore. The smelting/refining facility processes Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, and Ruthenium products.

2. RMAP Assessment Summary

BRPL underwent a RMAP Gold assessment for Period 09/01/2018 to 31/08/2020 by UL Responsible was deemed as conformant. On February 2024, The reassessment was conducted by LRQA  appointed Audit Firm.  BRPL has completed the 2024 assessment for Gold and has been deemed non conformant on few points. The final assessment summary is available in the link. BRPL has gone for reaudit and is confident of getting conformant at the earliest.

3. Company Supply Chain Policy

To avoid the use of conflict minerals, which directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups and/or involve other serious human right abuses in high risk and conflict effected regions the company has developed a supply chain policy. The supply chain policy is fully aligned with the third edition of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible supply chain of minerals from conflict effected and high-risk areas(OECD Guidance) it covers all the risks identified in Annex II of the OECD Guidance and its geographic scope is global. The company is committed to addressing any Annex II risks if identified. The policy was reviewed and approved by senior management, which is committed to supporting its implementation. The policy  has been widely disseminated to relevant stakeholders(customers, suppliers, employees, etc.) and is available on the  company website at https;//WWW.bangalorerefinery.com/pages/know-your-counterparty-kyc-and-supply-chain-policy

4. Company Management Systems

Management Structure

The company follows through on its commitments in the supply chain policy and has developed in the internal procedure for due diligence with the followed aspects:

5. Internal Systems Of Control

The company has established/updated its due diligence management system to be aligned with the OECD Guidance and RMAP in July 2018. The company communicated the  updated supply chain policy and sourcing requirements to all identified upstream suppliers  in September 2018 The company has incorporated  due diligence requirements into legally binding agreements  with direct suppliers .The company audits the KYC documents of 10 percent of its direct suppliers twice every year, representing 80 percent of annual volume and includes due diligence requirements as part of the  communication. The company refers to RMI's grievance mechanism to collect information on grievance from interested parties. The grievance redressal mechanism has been communicated  to all the stakeholders and  displayed  at https://WWW.bangalorerefinery.com/pages/grievance-redressal-policy. During the year 2020 due COVID and certain exigencies, there were a supply from non conformant supplier and we have taken appropriate corrective actions.

Record Keeping System

The company requires that all the records relating to the due diligence program are maintained at least for five years and that they  be properly  used and safely  stored in the company database

Risk Identification

 The company has a robust process to identify risks in the supply chain.

Firstly, referring to the risks in the company's supply chain policy, the company established a procedure to identify CAHRAs the procedure includes the resources used, the criteria to define a  "conflict-affected and high-risk "area as well as the frequency with which our determination is reviewed. The company  uses the  following  resources  to determine CAHRAs:

Secondly, the company designed a know your counterparty (KYC)  to include information concerning supplier legal status and identity, supplier mapping and potential risks The majority of our suppliers representing 80 percent of our annual volume have completed and returned  KYC form. The company's due diligence program manager reviewed the provided information the information available with the Registrar of Company's (ROC) Govt of India and  UN sanction List with the purchasing team.  Whenever inconsistencies errors or incomplete information were identified in the KYC form,  the company communicated the areas of improvement to suppliers and requested an update from them. If red flags were identified, the company would further engage with its suppliers to clarify and improve the documents as needed. During this reporting period, no red flags  were identified related to submitted KYC forms

Thirdly,there was one red flag ,the company requested  origin information for each material transaction and ensured that it was able to  understand the  transaction origin  transportation route, as well as  direct suppliers names and locations

Fourthly, all information collected was reviewed by the company against CAHRAs, sanction lasts, local lows and internal sourcing requirements.

Risk Assessment

For material and supply chains determined to be 'high-risk. the company conducted enhanced due diligence. This included

Conducting on the ground assessments

In order to map the factual circumstances, conduct on-the-ground  assessments  and assess risks in the  high-risk supply chains, we rely on the following for assessing risks without an upstream program :

Risk Mitigation

The company's supply chain policy defines three possible risk mitigation strategies in accordance with the OECD Guidance Annex II Model Policy. Risks identified  in high-risk supply chains  are mitigated as follows:

The company ensures that it assesses risks on an ongoing basis by working in partnership with suppliers and other stakeholders